Trip Dist: 22.26 mi
Trip Time: 1 hr 23 min 38 sec
Avg Speed: 15.97 mph
Max Speed: 33.45 mph
Total Odo: 838 mi
Total Time: 61 hrs 02 min
Weather: Mid 70s to start, then mid low 80s around 11:30. Beautiful weather, slightly hot towards the end.
Pre-Ride Food: PBJ
Team red jersey hit the road today around 11am. Weather was really nice and cool to start, but the sun busted out to ruin that of course. Still feeling quite weak and tired from being sick. Exercise is definitely helping "cleanse the system." Me, Mike, and Joel hit the rec center yesterday. I only rode the bike there for about 15 min on lvl 10, kicking it to 14 every once in a while to get out of the saddle.
Today was really good though, Mike is becoming a true cyclist, I am impressed at his skill early on. He has about 2 feet more of muscle, so I think that helps him....hahaah. Lance is short, remember that!
So we hit the golf course cart path route by The Link to start. We finished up there with the the "mini alps" and went on our way. Extremely hill route today, it was really good. I just wish I felt better, it was a sluggish ride at times for me.
Mike's been having chain problems so that's always annoying when it skips while cranking it up a hill.....oh bicycle frustrations. Someday we will have beautiful, flowing bikes that work flawlessly. For now, we shall train on PURE STEEL.