Trip Time: 56 min 26sec
Avg Speed: 19.31 mph
Max Speed: 36.29 mph
Total Odo: 553 mi
Total Time: 41 hrs 45 min
Weather: Partly cloudy, strong winds, mid 80s
Health: Legs slightly tight at beginning, increase in endurance, breathing heavy at end, felt very good.
Route: Start at "The Link,"Candies Ln, Freewill,Old Freewill, Elkmont, Old Freewill, White Oak Valley Rd (1.5 miles down & back to Freewill)Rabbit Valley Rd (awesome rolling hills), back to Old Freewill,
back to The Link.
After going to Scott's Bicycle Center and finding out how they ranked their A, B, and C class rides, I was determined to see where I fit in if I pushed myself hard from beginning to end. So I biked as fast as I could for all 18.16 miles from where my truck was parked and back. At first, my legs felt like they were filled with hard clay. They weren't turning the pedals smoothly and weren't reliable. This was due to overworking them yesterday, but I still burned it out of them anyways.
As usual, my legs finally warmed up at around 9 miles. It just felt awkward pedaling both in and out of the saddle. Finally that feeling left. When I do my first race, I almost feel like I need to get up hours before and ride 10 miles just to get the juices flowing. We'll see how I feel when that day comes.
I dropped my seat a while back to a little above my handlebars so it would be more comfortable for long rides. A higher seat with lower bars will straighten your back horizontally, giving you a more aerodynamic stance. I used the drop bars a lot today to try to cut through the wind better, but the it was howling today. Some of the ride has open fields on either side, so the winds almost plow me over. All in all, this is very important during training because winds make your legs work much harder. Also, it forces you to focus on controlling the bike more.
I had my route, and I was flying down the road. Traffic was minimal, the air was slightly cool, and I was determined to "categorize" myself into a class. I bet when I get a brand new carbon fiber bicycle that weighs 1/10th of the Panasonic's weight, with glass-like movements from my derailleurs and pedals...I'll probably lift off. That is my goal, to work as hard as I can on my tanker, get a super light bike, and race as if every day was a stage in the Tour de France.
The ride was going very well, I hit three intense and steep hills, but was determined not to slowly inch up them. I climbed like a champ in my opinion, it felt really great. I was utilizing my larger chain wheel more often to make sure my chain was as straight possible. Lessening the angle of the chain cut down on some drag, so that was cool. I'm getting better and quicker with my gearing. It's cool getting to know every sound on your bike (mine makes more than the majority of bicycles) so you know what "it wants" to run smoother.
I hit a three-way intersection, zoomed to the right up a slight incline, banged gears and stayed in the saddle determined to push myself all the way up it. I literally said "HYYAAA! Come on!" as if my bike was a horse and my handlebars were the reigns. I laughed to myself, realizing how much of a lunatic I have become, and pushed on through the intense calf bursting burn.
The rolling hills of Rabbit Valley were cool. Basically, it was a constant push, ease, push, ease as the road pulled up and dipped down. I went down about 3/4 of a mile and headed back once I realized I was scaling mount doom. Plus, I was about 13 miles into the ride.
I headed back, crossed through an intersection, and was back on Candies lane. I slammed into my larger chain wheel, hit the drop bars, and flew towards the steep incline to the finish where my truck was. I hit my gears down as the incline became steeper, popped out of the saddle, and pushed all the way in, and took a near horizontal turn to the right into the parking lot (the right pedal was up as compared to down when I smashed pavement back home). I stopped abruptly and exactly where I had began.
I swore that I was pushing so hard into that last hill, that I almost went straight through the road, and under the hill into pure earth. Luckily, the road was strong enough...
Post ride food blast picture at the top, so delicious................
Thank you Lord for this awesome ride, I pray that I would come out to the group rides strong and eager to develop relationships and LEARN. Thank you for strength and safety.
Video: Postal Boys team time trial; Lance years.
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