Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Man On Bike Mauled By Dog

I'm sure you are curios as to what the title of this blog will lead to, so I must explain. No I wasn't mauled, but it sure was frightening tonight. I have been studying a lot and decided to take a break to turn the pedals for about 20 minutes. So I went out on the town, starting with back roads somewhat near my apartment. Of course, most of these aren't lit very well, and one wouldn't find a shimmering reflector anywhere on the DX. Safety first? So I take a right turn onto a dark street, and from my left a dog, which I'm sure was foaming at the mouth running with the help of two EXTRA legs between the four, busts out this devilish bark and runs at me full boar. I was just cruising on a joy ride, so it scared the HECK out of me!

Since when do people let their dogs roam around the front yard at night without a leash or a high voltage collar? Maybe he enjoyed the electricity surging through his dog-bones? Hound of the Baskervilles? Anyways, only in Tennessee does this happen. So "the" runs as fast as it can, scraping all of its metallic toenails on the pavement. My first reaction was "FLEE" so I started to accelerate, but suddenly he was at my side in 1.2 seconds...robot dog (it was weird to begin with because I heard pistons hissing and hydraulic levers surging.... Stories told by Brent Rader flashed through my mind as I tried to escape. Brent said that a Rottweiler chased his friend and he used his bike to defend himself. The dog bit a chunk out of his seat. This dog was much smaller, but ferocious at that.

Weirdly, I started saying LOUDLY at the dog as I rode at the same speed as his 6-leg pseudo gallop, "Oh man, oh man, oh man! Oh man! You're alright. You're alright! You're alright." All of this was said in about three seconds. I guess I was trying to sooth it as if my newborn child had begun crying in the a.m. THIS dog wasn't about to be soothed, not a Phosphorous covered, glowing beast-dog. "Devil's Dog" as some say... All along I knew if you just stop, the whirling of the spokes wouldn't make it go wild anymore. So I gave in to the easy way (I was hoping to take flight as the hill crested), and stopped. It ran home, and I started away slowly.

LEE UNIVERSITY CYCLING CLUB UPDATE: Our gracious Lord, Jesu Cristo, has granted our very own Michael Land a GIANT bicycle (actually, Craigs List did). It needs minor tuning up, but all in all, THIS IS HUGE! The team has begun! Come one come ALL! We already have the dream of a stream of bikers whizzing down Parker Street with matching Lee University Jerseys and spandex. If I can start this club and have cycling thrive in Lee's future, I will be so please...SO PLEASED!

Stay tuned. I have been resting my legs a lot due to school. Group ride thursday night with the big-timers at Scott's Bikes. This weekend I will be in Chickamauga, GA shooting HD footage for a PBS production of a Civil War reenactment. PRAY FOR ME. Canons will be blasting right next to me. I do look forward to the night battle on Saturday Night. SWEET FIREEEEEEEE!!!! A GIFT!

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