Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Valuable Rec Center

Trip Dist: 18 mi
Trip Time: 41 min 52 sec
Avg Speed: 15.72 mph
Max Speed: 27.35 mph

Total Odo: 571 mi
Total Time: 42 hrs 26 min

Weather: Cloudy, slightly gloomy, storm threats, medium-light winds, mid 80s

Health: Legs felt great after the rest. Light ride due to bad route.

Route: Warm up around Lee, 20th Street, Old Tosso Rd, and back. Test ride, horrible shoulder, messy shoulder, too busy.

So the test route didn't go so hot. I had rested a few days so my legs were feelings really great. I guess there really aren't many routes to ride in TN. Driving to get to them is key. There's gotta be some sweet rides in GA...Anyways, I did find some clear protective classes on the shoulder. No scratches or anything! They look like Oaklies, but have no brand, and are completely clear. Sweet grab. The ride was uneventful, but it was worth a shot though. So I came back, put shorts over the spandex, and walked to the rec center.

I did some light biceps and triceps, then headed upstairs to hit the bikes. The only thing was that on a real bike, the wind cools you down. Stationary biking is horribly hot and makes you sweat as if you were biking in a sauna. The ride was really good though, I did intervals of medium, easy, and extremely hard. Level 15 was the highest, that was rough on the legs...but I pushed through. I really should use the rec center more often, it does a very consistent work on the legs. It's a non stop burn and will help with endurance riding. Here are the specifics on my indoors cycling ride:

Distance: 16.68 mi
Time: 36 min
Calories Burned: 524

This was the most I have sweat ever on a bike. The room was getting quite hot though, so that played a big part. I don't need to lose anymore weight, so sweating profusely isn't ideal. Post workout brought intense hunger, food was demolished. Joel Land made an appearance on the bicycle next to me. His strong legs would be good on a bike and he's coordinated enough to acquire a smooth handling of the bike quickly.

Overall, the rec center put my legs through hell and back. I plan to go more often to do more weight training for upper and lower body. My legs have been feeling strong and solid after long, hard rides. No more soreness like I used to have. I really just can't wait to head back to NJ and hit long rides and conquer hills at speeds I only dreamed of back in July and August. Thank you Lord for bringing me through the pain with enthusiasm and strength. Onto another day!

My first cycling group ride should be this Thursday with Scott's Bicycle Centre. Though I have a ton of video and schoolwork, I think this will be a nice break to relieve stress and turn the pedals a bit more. Cycling is an addiction, though I'm not a full-on addict (I can go a day without biking), I love to do it. It is a stress reliever and a great time to talk to God and enjoy his creations.

Lee Cycling Club
: Thought this is not acknowledged by Lee, I hope it will be. I send an invitation to a bunch of people on Facebook just to see what kind of interest there will be. It seems that everyone wants to ride, but can't get their hands on an affordable used road bicycle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I appreciate the shoutout.