Clear skies, strong winds, high 80s
Trip Dist: 23.02 mi
Trip Time: 1 hr 24 min 36sec
Avg Speed: 16.33 mph
Max Speed: 33.96 mph
Total Odo: 527 mi
Total Time: 40 hrs 02 min
Recent Diet: ham, turkey, cheddar cheese,water, red potatoes, tomatoes, ground beef (rinsed,
de-greased), white rice, whole wheat bread, sun-dried raisins, red grapes, plums, bananas, frosted mini
wheats, 1% milk, toasted oats, peanut butter & jelly, and 1% milk fat strawberry yogurt.
The Ride:
Today was a beautiful day for cycling. Early in the morning the temperature was in the high 60s. My only class of the day ended around 10:30am, so I came back to the apartment to prepare the bike for a new and exciting Tennessee route. I filled my tired to about 92psi, silicon lubed the chain, wheels, pedals, etc., and filled up my water bottle. I suited up complete with classic black spandex and my "semi-torn from a previous crash" Harry
Kewell Liverpool
futbol Jersey. The Nike's were snugly tied and I was feeling very healthy after a two day break.
I had become slightly discouraged because of the lack of shoulders everywhere in TN. Roads may be busy in NJ, but they all have at least
some shoulder. The key to enjoyable TN riding is BACK ROADS. Talking with my boss in the studio and others at Lee, they pointed me in the direction of Candies Ln. This is the road my church is on, and is fairly calm. What I didn't know was that it would lead me to other beautifully landscaped areas I didn't know existed somewhat close to campus.
Keys and cell in the pouch, calf and quad stretching, and I was off. I circled the church parking lot a bit (the overgrown golf course next to it would be built upon soon), explored thin cart paths, and then started down Candies Ln. I took what I thought of as a "Tour De France" worthy turn into the entrance to the old golf course. I rode around, saw the new houses being built, waved to a scruffy guy who gave me a look that said, "seriously?" Spandex on men can get sour results. I waved anyways as I usually do and saw an old couple sitting in a swinging bench on their front porch. Their house was almost finished so they were already living in it. I waved as they stared me down, in a good way though. It was as if the "Tour
de what
hunnie?" had made it to Cleveland finally. Their excitement lasted seconds as I hit the
couldesack, turned around, and zoomed back onto Candies.
I took a left on a road that split the old golf course in half. The cart paths met the main road, so I began exploring down the thin, paved, pine-needle
strune paths; nothing worthy of a puncture, just a nasty slide on a turn if on needles. I zoomed along the cart path at about 22mph, it was beautiful. Trees overhanding, long fields on either side, a large wooden bridge over a lovely stream; It really was beautiful. I hit a small spot that reminded me of a road you would find in the Alps in the Tour De France. Except...I was on a cart path. Anyways, the path went steeply up hill, winding right and then left. I reached the top of the small mound with half the excitement I thought I would have. IT WAS A MINIATURE TOUR DE FRANCE STAGE. So I made my loop and hit a second wooden bridge, but this one was missing a plank in the middle. 3/4 of a foot was a risky leap early in the ride, so I hoisted the old Panasonic DX2000 (this same model is now a fax machine, who knew. Dad?), for those who didn't know what bike I ride, over the bridge, and continued. I would have ridden it 3,000 more times if that bridge wasn't out, so I began exploring.
Every ride starts with adjustments of shorts, foot comfort in the clips, computer display, saddle comfort, etc. I was comfortable "in the saddle" and was on my way. I went through many nice developments and popped out onto "Freewill Road." It was great, slim shoulder, but little to no traffic. I rode this up and down gradual hills, some steeper than others, and found "Old Freewill Road." And of course, I jumped on that. It had not lines on the road, a great sign, and many doable hills. I was feeling some calf and quad burn in the first ten miles, but it usually takes that me that long to completely feel "oiled." Whenever I fly down large hills and plan to go back up the way I came down, I get excited because new hills mean new challenges. One hill was a sharp curve to the left, reminded me of the Alps. Someday maybe I'll ride in Europe, someday.
So I continued riding and hit a road I had cycled on a week back. It's cool to explore roads to see where the come out. It all connects, making a sensible map in your head after a while. So I turned around, and explored some other roads. As I rode, any development I saw with a good clime, I obliged. It's as if these roads taunt me and my heavy, metal bicycle. I ride all who taunt. So I explored some nice developments and continued. I began riding in the opposite direction to head home and get some food since I started late.
I just love to ride, wave to everyone in passing(usually fathers proudly, but poorly mowing their lawns), look around at the surrounding landscape, and praise god for ability and ambition to exercise on his beautiful earth.
Flash Back: Me and a friend Brent were cycling in NJ on a road lined with cornfields, soon to hit "river road" which follows the Delaware river. As we took the right had turn we decided to race down the straight, smooth road. As we look to our left, we see a mother teaching her daughter how to ride a bicycle; complete with training wheels. I glanced at the child quickly, then to the mother and waved. She was smiling and somewhat amazed at seeing "serious cyclists" near her home. We stopped racing, and laughed about the little girl and her mom. Brent stared at the little girl the entire time. Her jaw was fully dropped with a wide open mouth, starring at us as we flew by at about 25-28mph. Brent said, "Did you see that girl!? She was so amazed! She was thinking she might as well quit now." Haha that was pretty funny.
That was me many years ago. Three years old and thrown on a bike without training wheels. My parents gave me a boost in the street, and I never got off. Ridiculous, wish I remembered it.
Back to The Ride: I finished up and headed back to my truck at "The Link's" parking lot. In exploration, I came back a different way than I came. Overall, it was great. I plan to ride it frequently and hopefully find many other roads like it in that area. Praise God for enjoyable exercise. Although, because of cycling running has become quite enjoyable as well. My current schedule is bike, run, bike run, bike, run, rest, rest, REPEAT. Hopefully I can fit in some light weight training and situps, pushups, and abs.
GOAL: Race either here in TN or NJ before I graduate college.